
nexnet presented subscription billing at the K5

At the K5 in Berlin, nexnet presented the topic: Subscription billing – from spontaneous buyers to regular customers.

From spontaneous buyer to regular customer

After last year’s focus was on payment clearing , this year nexnet presented its subscription billing at the K5 in Berlin .

Increasing digitization, increasing competitive pressure and, above all, the ever-increasing customer acquisition costs are gradually causing a rethink in the e-commerce industry.

With an in-house development for so-called subscription billing , nexnet wants to turn impulse buyers into regular customers. The fact that this term is not yet on everyone’s lips was also evident at our booth.

Ingo Hentschel, Head of Key Account & Sales on this: “Unfortunately, as is so often the case, we Germans are not the drivers and innovation leaders here when it comes to the subscription economy. In North America, subscription provider revenue continued to grow to $2.6 billion. While the US has recognized the potential of subscriptions, we’re still too focused on the old economy. Only subscription models offer the flexibility that companies need to meet the new demands of their customers.”

With the subscription billing platform , nexnet is one of the first German companies to specialize in this field. And that was almost 20 years ago.

At that time, however, only with solutions for the telecommunications industry. Since 2015, however, more and more e-commerce companies have been relying on the tried-and-tested solutions from the Berlin specialist for debtor management and billing solutions.

Made in Germany

nexnet develops and operates its solutions for subscription management according to the motto “Made in Germany”.
exclusively in Germany. Many German and European corporations appreciate this advantage compared to providers from the USA or China.

Nevertheless, the subscription management of nexnet offers all the features to be able to take off internationally. SOX compliance or the handling of different tax rates and foreign currencies are already included in the standard.

nexnet – specialist for outsourced accounting

But it wasn’t just nexnet’s subscription billing that aroused great interest. The solutions for outsourcing the bookkeeping to a specialist were also well received by the online shop operators.

Because nexnet integrates accounts receivable management in so-called Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) between end customers, payment service providers and banks. And thus ensures that the shop operator is always in the picture about all money movements, their completeness, due date and correctness.

All cash movements are compared with the sales data. Both from online shops, marketplaces and offline sales channels. Everything is industry-neutral and can also be used internationally.

The payment clearing of nexnet was also popular. As a solution for monitoring and accounting for money movements in the end customer business. In particular, the resulting certifiable monthly statement was very well received.



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More about Subscription Billing in the Cloud

Subscriptions made easy!

If you want to use subscription billing for your company, for example, then you will optimize your processes with our Cloud Product. We at are the right contact for all questions and information about billing. Convince yourself now.